Eric Chan-TinAssociate Professor, Department of Computer Science Director of the Fellowship office Founding Director of the Loyola Center for Cybersecurity
dchantin AT luc.edu Office: Doyle 306 |
Links: Publications, Teaching, Students
I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Loyola University Chicago. I was previously an Assistant/Associate Professor in the Computer Science department at Oklahoma State University. I received my B.A. from Macalester College and my Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. I am privileged to have worked with Professor Nick Hopper as my adviser.
I joined Loyola University Chicago in August 2018 to lead the cybersecurity program. Loyola University Chicago has been designated as a NSA National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (NCAE-C) in June 2020. I am the PI for the NCAE-C at Loyola and the Founding Director of the Loyola Center for Cybersecurity and Privacy. My research and education and outreach efforts have been funded by NSF, NSA/NCAE, DoD, and industry such as Halliburton, Motorola Solutions Foundation, and Dr. Scholl Foundation.
From July 2020 to August 2022, I was the Graduate Program Director (GPD) for the MS in Computer Science and MS in Software Engineering programs. As GPD, I significantly updated the MS curriculum in Computer Science: 1) adding program prerequisites to prepare non-CS undergraduate majors to enter the MS program, and 2) adding three new concentrations in Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, and Computer Systems.
From August 2022 to June 2024, I was the faculty Director for the Fellowship Office. Please visit the Fellowship Office website for more information.
I am always looking for motivated students (undergraduate, M.S., Ph.D.) to work with me in the research areas below. E-mail me or stop by my office. Also, consider enrolling in one of my classes for Fall or Spring. Undergraduate students should also consider applying for the CAS USRE/Mulcahy or the LUROP programs.
If you are looking for more information about the NSF CyberRamblers Scholarship for Service program, please click here.
If you are looking for the AI and Cybersecurity workshop for professionals, please click here.
Shelia Kennison, Kameryn Fritz, M. Andrea Hurtado Morales, and Eric Chan-Tin. "Emoji use in Social Media Posts: Relationships with Personality Traits and Word Usage", Frontiers in Psychology, Volume 15, February 2024, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1343022. Eldor Abdukhamidov, Mohammed Abuhamad, Simon S. Woo, Eric Chan-Tin, and Tamer Abuhmed. "Hardening Interpretable Deep Learning Systems: Investigating Adversarial Threats and Defenses", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2023. Loretta Stalans, Eric Chan-Tin, Anna Hart, Madeline Moran, and Shelia Kennison. "Predicting Phishing Victimization: Comparing Prior Victimization, Cognitive, and Emotional Styles, and Vulnerable or Protective E-mail Strategies", Victims & Offenders, 18:7, 1216-1235, 2023. DOI: 10.1080/15564886.2023.2218369 Shelia Kennison and Eric Chan-Tin. "Personality and cognitive factors in password security behaviors", North American Journal of Psychology, 25(3), 599-618, 2023. Anne Wagner, Anna Bakas, Shelia Kennison, and Eric Chan-Tin. "Comparing Online Surveys for Cybersecurity: SONA and Mturk", EAI Endorsed Transactions on Security and Safety (SESA), 2022. DOI: 10.4108/eai.8-2-2022.173334 Shelia M. Kennison and D. Eric Chan-Tin. "Predicting the Adoption of Password Managers: A Tale of Two Samples", Technology, Mind, and Behavior, November 2021., https://tmb.apaopen.org/pub/5yfwxh2z Shelia M. Kennison, Ian T. Jones, Victoria H. Spooner, and D. Eric Chan-Tin. "Who creates strong passwords when nudging fails", Computers in Human Behavior Reports, Volume 4, 2021, ISSN 2451-9588, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chbr.2021.100132. Anna Bakas, Anne Wagner, Spencer Johnston, Shelia Kennison, and Eric Chan-Tin. “Impact of Personality Types and Matching Messaging on Password Strength”, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Security and Safety, June, 2021. DOI: 10.4108/eai.1-6-2021.170012. Shelia Kennison and Eric Chan-Tin. “Taking Risks with Cybersecurity: Using Knowledge and Personal Characteristics to Predict Self-Reported Cybersecurity Behaviors”, Journal of Frontiers in Psychology, section Cognition, 2020. Weiqi Cui, Jiangmin Yu, Yanmin Gong, Eric Chan-Tin. “Efficient, Effective, and Realistic Website Fingerprinting Mitigation”, EAI Transactions on Endorsed Transactions on Security and Safety, November 2019, DOI: 10.4108/eai.29-1-2019.161977, Zongho Huang, Rui Hu, Richard Guo, Yanmin Gong, Eric Chan-Tin. "DP-ADMM: ADMM-based Distributed Learning with Differential Privacy", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, July 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TIFS.2019.2931068. Eric Chan-Tin and Rakesh Ravishankar. "The case for HTTPS: measuring overhead and impact of certificate authorities", International Journal Security and Networks, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp.261-269, 2018. Tao Chen, Michael Farcasin, and Eric Chan-Tin. "Smartphone Passcode Prediction", in IET Information Security, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 431-437, 9 2018. doi: 10.1049/iet-ifs.2017.0606. Praveen Khethavath, Johnson Thomas, and Eric Chan-Tin. "Towards an Efficient Distributed Cloud Computing Architecture", Journal of Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, pg 1-17, 2016. Jiyoung Shin, Sunil Kancharlapalli, Michael Farcasin, and Eric Chan-Tin. "SmartPass: a smarter geolocation-based authentication scheme", Wiley Security and Communication Networks, n/a, 10.1002/sec.1311, 2015. Eric Chan-Tin, Jiyoung Shin, and Praveen Khethavath. "Accurate Geolocation using Network Coordinates", International Journal of Security and Networks (IJSN), 2015. Eric Chan-Tin and Qi Cheng. "Secure Routing and Scheduling in Ad-Hoc Cognitive Radio Networks for Public Safety", International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR), 5(2), 44-60. doi:10.4018/ijhcr.2014040103, 2015. Michael Farcasin and Eric Chan-Tin. "Why We Hate IT: Two Surveys on Pre-generated and Expiring Passwords in an Academic Setting", Wiley Security and Communication Networks, n/a, 10.1002/sec.1184, 2015. Eric Chan-Tin, Victor Heorhiadi, Yongdae Kim, and Nicholas Hopper. "Hijacking the Vuze BitTorrent Network: All your hop are belong to us", IET Information Security, December 2014.
Eric Chan-Tin, Victor Heorhiadi, Nicholas Hopper, and Yongdae Kim. "
The Frog-Boiling Attack: Limitations of Secure Network Coordinate Systems", ACM Transactions on Information and Systems Security (TISSEC),
14(3):1-28, November 2011. (@2011 ACM) Peng Wang, James Tyra, Eric Chan-Tin, Tyson Malchow, Denis
Foo Kune, Nicholas Hopper, and Yongdae Kim. "Attacking
the kad network - real world evaluation and high fidelity simulation
using DVN", Security and Communication Networks, n/a.
doi: 10.1002/sec.172 Nicholas Hopper, Eugene Y. Vasserman, and Eric Chan-Tin.
much anonymity does network latency leak?", ACM
Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC),13(2):1-28,
February 2010. (©
2010 ACM) Muhammad Khan, Rachel Gordon, Nimra Khan, Madeline Moran, Mohammed Abuhamad, Loretta Stalans, Jeffrey Huntsinger, Jennifer Forestal and Eric Chan-Tin. "Identification and Analysis of the Spread of {Mis}information on Social Media", CSoNet, December 2023. Yong Shao, Kenneth Hernandez, Kia Yang, Eric Chan-Tin and Mohammed Abuhamad. "Lightweight and Effective Website Fingerprinting over Encrypted DNS", IEEE Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Conference (SVCC), May 2023. Daisy Reyes, Eno Dynowski, Taryn Chovan, John Mikos, Eric Chan-Tin, Mohammed Abuhamad and Shelia Kennison. "WebTracker: Real Webbrowsing Behaviors", IEEE Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Conference (SVCC), May 2023. Qirui Sun, Mohammed Abuhamad, Eldor Abdukhamidov, Eric Chan-Tin, Tamer Abuhmed. "MLxPack: Investigating the Effects of Packers on ML-based Malware Detection Systems Using Static and Dynamic Traits", Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Cybersecurity and Social Sciences (CySSS), May 2022. Eric Chan-Tin, Loretta Stalans, Spencer Johnston, Daisy Reyes, and Shelia Kennison. "Predicting Phishing Victimization: Roles of Protective and Vulnerable Strategies and Decision-Making Styles", ACM Workshop on Scalable Network Traffic Analytics (SNTA), 2022. Eldor Abdukhamidov, Mohammed Abuhamad, Firuz Juraev, Eric Chan-Tin, and Tamer Abuhmed. "AdvEdge: Optimizing Adversarial Perturbations against Interpretable Deep Learning", in CSoNet 2021. Anne Wagner, Anna Bakas, Shelia Kennison, and Eric Chan-Tin. A Comparison of SONA and MTurk for Cybersecurity Surveys", in European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference (EICC), November 10–11, 2021, Virtual Event, Romania. ACM, New York, NY, USA. https://doi.org/ 10.1145/3487405.3487657 Brook Abegaz, Eric Chan-Tin, Neil Klingensmith, George K. Thiruvathukal. “Addressing Rogue Vehicles by Integrating Computer Vision, Activity Monitoring, and Contextual Information”, ACM AutoUI Work in Progress, Virtual Event, 2020. Weiqi Cui, Tao Chen, and Eric Chan-Tin. “More Realistic Website Fingerprinting Using Deep Learning”, IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Singapore, 2020 Tao Chen, Weiqi Cui, and Eric Chan-Tin. "Measuring Tor Relay Popularity", Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm), Orlando, Florida, 2019. Weiqi Cui, Tao Chen, Christian Fields, Julianna Chen, Luis Sierra, and Eric Chan-Tin. "Revisiting Assumptions for Website Fingerprinting Attacks", ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS), Auckland, New Zealand, 2019. Eric Chan-Tin, Taejoon Kim, and Jinoh Kim. "Website Fingerprinting Attack Mitigation using Traffic Morphing", IEEE International Workshop on Scalable Network Traffic Analytics (SNTA), co-located with IEEE ICDCS, 2018. Weiqi Cui, Jiangmin Yu, Yanmin Gong, and Eric Chan-Tin. "Realistic Cover Traffic to Mitigate Website Fingerprinting Attacks", IEEE International Workshop on Scalable Network Traffic Analytics (SNTA), co-located with IEEE ICDCS, 2018. Jiangmin Yu, Michael Farcasin, and Eric Chan-Tin. "Wireless Interference Prediction for Embedded Health Device", IEEE Wireless Mesh and Ad-hoc Networking (WiMAN) 2017 Joe Cecil, M.B. Bharathi Raj Kumar, Avinash Gupta, Miguel Pirela-Cruz, Eric Chan-Tin, and Jiangmin Yu. "Development of a Virtual Reality based Simulation Environment for Orthopedic Surgical Training", OTM Federated International Conferences 2016, Industry Case Studies Program, Rhodes, Greece. Eric Chan-Tin. "AnonCall: Making Anonymous Cellular Phone Calls", MFSec 2015. Jiangmin Yu and Eric Chan-Tin. "Identifying Webbrowsers in Encrypted Communications", ACM WPES 2014. Qi Cheng and Eric Chan-Tin. "A Unified Framework for Robust Cooperative Spectrum Sensing", Asilomar 2014. Qi Cheng and Eric Chan-Tin. "Efficient Routing and Scheduling in Ad-hoc Cognitive Radio Networks", at National Wireless Research Collaboration Symposium (NWRCS) 2014.
Eric Chan-Tin, Jiyoung Shin, and Jiangmin Yu. "Revisiting Circuit Clogging Attacks on Tor", at International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security (ARES) 2013. Praveen Khethavath, Johnson Thomas, Eric Chan-Tin, and Hong Liu. "Introducing a Distributed Cloud Architecture with Efficient Resource Discovery and Optimal Resource Allocation", at 3rd IEEE SERVICES CloudPerf Workshop 2013. Eric Chan-Tin, Tingting Chen, and Subhash Kak. "A Comprehensive Security Model in Networking Applications", Workshop on Privacy, Security and Trust in Mobile and Wireless Systems (MobiPST) 2012. Eric Chan-Tin and Nicholas Hopper. "KoNKS: Konsensus-style Network Koordinate System", at ACM ASIACCS 2012.
Eric Chan-Tin and Nicholas Hopper. "Accurate
and Provably Secure Latency Estimation with Treeple", at
NDSS 2011, San Diego, CA. Eric Chan-Tin, Daniel Feldman, Yongdae Kim, and Nicholas
Hopper. "The Frog-Boiling Attack:
Limitations of Anomaly Detection for Secure Network Coordinates,"
at SecureComm 2009, Athens, Greece. Hun Kang, Eric Chan-Tin, Yongdae Kim, and Nicholas Hopper.
"Why Kad Lookup Fails", at IEEE
Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P) 2009, Seattle,
Washington. Brent ByungHoon Kang, Eric Chan-Tin, Christopher P. Lee,
James Tyra, Hun Jeong Kang, Chris Nunnery, Zachariah Wadler, Greg
Sinclair, Nicholas Hopper, David Dagon, and Yongdae Kim. "Towards
Complete Node Enumeration in a Peer-to-Peer Botnet", at ACM
Symposium on Information, Computer & Communication Security
(ASIACCS) 2009, Sydney, Australia. Peng Wang, James Tyra, Tyson Malchow, Yongdae Kim, Nicholas
Hopper, Denis Foo Kune, and Eric Chan-Tin. "Attacking
the Kad Network" at SecureComm 2008, Istanbul,
Turkey. Nicholas Hopper, Eugene Y. Vasserman, and Eric Chan-Tin.
"How much anonymity does network
latency leak?" at ACM Conference on Computer and
Communications Security (CCS) 2007, Alexandria VA, USA. Isaac Ahlgren, Victor Rakotondranoro, Yasin Silva, Eric Chan-Tin, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Neil Klingensmith. "Poster: Userland Containers for Mobile Systems", ACM HotMobile 2023.
Anne Wagner, Anna Bakas, Daisy Reyes, Shelia Kennison, and Eric Chan-Tin. "POSTER: The Personalities of Social Media Posts and Photos", at ACM Symposium on Information, Computer & Communication Security (ASIACCS), Nagasaki, Japan, 2022. John Mikos and Eric Chan-Tin. "Realistic Website Fingerprinting Attacks", STARS Celebration Poster, September 2019. Eric Chan-Tin and Nicholas
Hopper. "Secure
Latency Estimation with Treeple", in ACM CCS'10/Posters.
Loyola University Chicago COMP 170: Intro Obj-Oriented Programming: Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2019, Spring 2020. COMP 301/401: Intro Computer Security: Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2024. COMP 352/452: Introduction to Computer Vulnerabilities: Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Fall 2023. COMP 388/488: Advanced Topics in Cybersecurity: Spring 2019, Spring 2020. COMP 344/444: Hands-on Approach to Security and Privacy: Spring 2021. Oklahoma State University CS 4243/5243: Algorithms and Processes in Computer Security: Spring 2015, Spring 2016, Spring 2017, Spring 2018 CS 5283: Computer Network Programming: Fall 2014, Fall 2015, Fall 2016 CS 2433: C/C++ Programming: Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Spring 2017 CS 5033: Parallel Algorithms and Programming: Spring 2017 CS 5123: Cloud and Distributed Systems CS 2570: Hacking 101 for Everyone: Spring 2018 I had the privilege
of working with the following students: Ph.D. Students, Advised M.S. Students, Advised Undergraduate Research SupervisionJournals
Peer-Reviewed Conferences/Workshops
Peer-Reviewed Conference Posters
Students Supervision